Royalty Free

Image Download

When purchasing an Image Download you will receive a digital copy of the photo in jpg format.

You will not receive a printed copy of the photo when purchasing an image download.

The quality of the image received will be dependent on the size of the image. We have put together the following chart that will give you an idea what size you can print your image if you so wish.

SizeMax pixelsUse
XS350Small web use: facebook, instagram...
S500Better web use or print wallets.
M1024Up to 5x7 print
L2048Up to 10x16 print
XL3072Up to 20x24 print
Full Sizen/aDepends on the size of the file

The longest side of an XS image will be 350 pixels and it's main use will be for sharing on cell phones. On a larger screen it will not look as good. It is also not recommended to print this file. The S image download will be slightly bigger and better An XS Image download will have its max pixels set at 500, can be used to print wallets or viewed a little better on a phone. The next sizes will look better as you go to larger sizes when sharing on social media and can be printed at larger sizes. The Full size is simply the maximum file that the photographer has. Typically it is equivalent or greater than the XL, but it could be lower, you can see the size of the photo in the cart underneath the Image Download product.